About J&J Motorsport

Welcome! Thank you for your interest in J&J.
I'm Jack, the second J in J&J Motorsport. Janel, my wife, holds the pole J position.
If hearing the line, "what a long, strange trip it's been" has you reflexively reaching for a Bic to flick, well... I'm your guy in two important ways.
First, I've been working on BMW and other European cars since about the time that song ("Truckin'" by The Grateful Dead, of course) became a must-insert cartridge in every long-haired trucker's 8-track.
Second, that's the kind of music you'll likely hear in the shop when you bring us your car. Surrender to the seventies, all ye who enter J&J! (My young techs just roll their eyes.)
Since opening J&J in 1990, I've seen amazing changes in automobile technology. Today's cars are measured as much in computing power as horsepower. Through constant re-training and investment in the latest tools, J&J has kept pace.
Customers love our spacious, new Marion facility that's easy to get to from anywhere in Eastern Iowa. So why not bring us your car? Whether it's your daily driver or your dream mobile, J&J will keep it running right.